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Valerie Frankel, LMFT
MFC 42238
Collaborative Divorce Coach

Co-Parenting Counseling
Parenting Plan Mediation

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms
—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.
- Viktor E. Frankl


About Me

I am passionate about working with people who are divorced/divorcing and learning to co-parent and work together more effectively. My practice is completely focused on these specific areas either as a co-parenting counselor or collaborative divorce coach. 


Finding meaning in life events and learning to live with them is essential to me. I enjoy the newness of getting to know each person I am working with and creating a relationship and environment where growth can occur.


I am also a part-time faculty member at Sacramento State University and teaching in the Counselor Education Department. I love helping graduate students learn about the counseling profession and grow into the counselors they want to be. 


Work Update & Specialties 

Work Update
Our Families in Two Homes

I have closed my private practice as of 7/1/22. My intention is to focus on the other areas of my work: teaching at Sacramento State University, co-parenting counseling, and collaborative divorce coaching. 


If you are one of my previous clients and need a referral for a new therapist, please email me. 

I am excited to be using Our Families in Two Homes workbooks to help former couples navigate through co-parenting with dignity and respect. The approach helps people listen to understand each other and work together toward figuring out what the best way to co-parent together throughout their divorce and beyond. Children, both young and old, benefit from this approach. Find out more information about Our Family in Two Homes here. 

As parents raise children together in two households, establishing a foundation of co-parenting together positively impacts the well-being of their kids. I feel passionate about helping parents learn to co-parent with respect. In turn, this gives their children a healthy experience and definition of divorce. Co-parenting counseling is done with both parents together in each session.

Collaborative Divorce Coaching

Collaborative Divorce is a team approach to divorcing, where each client has their own attorney and divorce coach and we (along with a financial specialist and, if needed, a child specialist) work together to create a divorce that both clients can live with. I love being a part of this process as it truly works and keeps families out of the adversarial nature of going to court. For more information about Collaborative Divorce, visit Sacramento Collaborative Divorce Group.

Parenting Plans

Mediation can be another way for clients who are divorcing to have more control of the outcome. I am trained to work with divorcing  or separating parents to create a parenting plan for raising their children together. Parenting plans  provides the foundation for co-parenting in two households. As a neutral party, I work with parents to decide what the guidelines are for raising their children, and this plan becomes an important part of their divorce agreement. 

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